We are experiencing one of the most challenging times in the actual human history. The COVID19 pandemic came to us like a wake-up-call and now more than ever we need to go deep into ourselves, practice sacred disciplines and connect with our inner being.
Yoga is one of the magic tools that could help us understand how to walk through life with love and wisdom. Today we can use this ancestral practice to tune in our body energy and switch our emotions, and being aware of and consciously choosing the energy we send out and take in is a step to raising the vibration of the world.
The best way to appreciate that we are healthy is by coming back to our body. Spending more time inside help us to set up routines and develop new habits. That is why Yoga is perfect for us right now.
Now in quarantine, you can take a bit of time to stretch and do some yoga to unwind your day. Set your intentions and choose the practice that better fits you, perhaps you haven´t slept very well and your neck is a bit stiff, your arms are a bit tired or you are not stretching your legs very much, whatever is your need you will definitely benefit by unrolling the Mat and practice.
Right now we have plenty of channels, videos and classes that you can take at any time and in any place. Take your time to research what kind of routine is better for you, don’t push your body too hard and don’t forget to BREATHE. Now you can also join our LIVE classes on IG and Facebook, Monday and Fridays at 8:00 A.M CR time.
We can take this time as a great opportunity to explore our body and mind, try to meditate for a few minutes after the routine and feel your body and mind after the routine. In the middle of these hard times come to your body, be kind with your mind, send love to the people the world!